Friday, May 16, 2014

Her Mother's Dress | Redlands Lifestyle Photographer

One of the first things people say to me is, "You must have a gazzilion photos of your kids."  And I do, on my phone, like nay mom, but not a gazzilion portraits like you might expect a photographer to have.  The truth is, I spend so much time taking other photos that my own projects get put on the back burner.

Today in between errands my daughter and I sat down for a snuggle and she talked about being the flower girl in her Auntie's wedding next weekend, so I asked if she'd like to play dress up and try on my wedding dress.

I can admit it, she wore it better.  And I wouldn't have it any other way!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Win A FREE Photo Session! | Redlands Portrait Photographer

Do you follow us on Facebook?!  Well you going to want to make sure you do!  Monday we'll selecting a winner of a free photo session.

Here's the details:

The Fine Print!
Winner must live in, or around, or be willing to travel to the Redlands, CA area for a session to be help on a weekday in June 2014. Winner will be selected, and announced, via random drawing on May 19th, 2014

SO?!  What are you waiting for!  Head over to facebook now and enter!  and tell your friends!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

A Smile to Swoon Over {The A Family}

From those first toothless grins, pictures of and with our children are nothing less than timeless. Maybe thats why I'm over the moon with these pictures from a recent session of the A family. An exact pause of time, a still moment of a wide toothy smile and bright eyes filled with pure bliss and not a worry in the world. It is safe to say I am swooning over these pictures of Little Miss A and her parents.

Little Miss A is such a pure beauty and is clearly the light in her parents and everywhere she goes for that matter as seen in these photos. I can't wait to see her grow as she clearly has got a smile that could take over the world!